Look Before You Leap! Best Advice Before Buying a Home

April 8, 2013
Things to do before buying a new home

Buying a home entails adding a few more steps to make sure you know what you’re getting into. Most upscale neighborhoods, in order to maintain their exclusivity and land values, are controlled by strict covenants and that means you want to know what the rules are before anything is signed. Be sure and seek the advice of your Realtor®, asking questions and letting them know exactly what you’re looking for and what’s acceptable to you. In the long run, gathering all the information possible during your home buying process will only be a good thing. Your neighborhood, its covenants and home owner’s association are also a critical part of your new home and being an informed buyer can ensure your happiness in your neighborhood for years to come. Here are some things for you to do before you buy a home:

·      Talk to the people who would be your neighbors. Ask how much they love living in the area; if there have been any problems with the rules and/or the covenants.
·      Get and read a copy of the area’s covenants, homeowner’s association rules, regulations and guidelines. Some associations are strict about everything from the color of the house, length of the grass in the yard, placement of the trash can or how many cars can be parked in the driveway.
·      Find out about the zoning laws. This is important for remodeling or adding out buildings to the estate as well as finding out if any commercial property might be trying to find a way to build in the area.



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