Specialty Rooms for Luxury Homes

August 6, 2012
Luxury Homes Specialty Rooms

What kind of room fits into a luxury home? The possibilities are as endless and different as one person from another. When expense and space are not an issue, the floor plan of a home can be a true reflection of the person living there.

Some possibilities for rooms can include:
         A Luggage Room-if the owner travels a lot, there is sure to be more than a few suitcases. A room where luggage, garment bags even steamer trunks can be kept in an orderly fashion is a must.

         A Morning Room-off the kitchen for casual family dining. This is simply an expansion of the traditional breakfast, just a bit more casual.

         A Butler’s Panty – still a popular room and a must for indoor formal entertaining.
         A Pantry – one that’s oversized and contains a freezer.
         A Home Library – there’s nothing like a quiet place to sit and read a good book.
         A Conservatory – provides a glass walled transition space between the house and its surrounding and is perfect for casual dining or entertaining.

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